by Grace Keon , 1913
This book has been prepared to teach, as its title page indicates, the chief
events in the life of our blessed Lord on earth to little Catholic children,
say from three to six years old. As all our educators agree, the training
of a child in the knowledge of God can not begin too early.
This book has been prepared to teach, as its title page indicates, the chief
events in the life of our blessed Lord on earth to little Catholic children,
say from three to six years old. As all our educators agree, the training
of a child in the knowledge of God can not begin too early. Upon the mother
who has her children at her knee during their most
impressionable years, devolves the sacred duty of preparing the ground, as
it were, for the future instructions of pastor and teacher.
The Angel is Sent--page 14
(pages 59 - 60)
And in the sixth month the Angel Gabriel was sent from God into a city of Galilee, called Nazareth. To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph.--St. Luke i, 26, 27.
And the angel said . . . Mary, thou hast found grace with God, Behold. . . thou shalt bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus. --St. Luke i, 30, 31.
The Angel is Sent
Four thousand years the people prayed, Four thousand years had passed Before they knew the time was near When He would come at last! To Nazareth; where Mary lived. The Angel Gabriel Was sent, as God's own messenger. The happy news to tell.
What the Angel Said
Before Our Queen the angel stood. "Hail, full of grace!" he said, "The Lord is with thee! Blest art thou!" And Mary bowed her head: "I am His handmaid--be it done According to His will!" Thus meekly spoke the Chosen One, Tho' Mother, Virgin still!
The Son of God did not become man immediately after the sin of our first parents, but was PROMISED to them as a Redeemer. Four thousand years passed. All the people who lived on earth during that time, and who loved God, prayed that the Saviour might soon come down from heaven. Those who lived before the Son of God became man could be saved by believing in a Redeemer to come, and by keeping the Commandments.
At last, one great day, the Angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to tell her that she was to be the Mother of God. This great day is called Annunciation day.
Nazareth was a little town in Galilee, where the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph lived. St. Joseph was a carpenter. He worked at his trade, and our blessed Lady took care of the house. She was very kind to all. But morning, noon, and night she prayed to God, for she loved Him better than any one of us can ever love Him. No one on this earth, except our dear Lord Himself, was ever as good and pure as our blessed Lady. We keep the feast of the Immaculate Conception--a special feast of our dear Lady's--on the eighth of December every year. It is a holy day.
When the Angel Gabriel came into the room where our blessed Lady was kneeling, saying her prayers on that great day, he said to her: "Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women!" Our dear Lady was frightened. "Do not be afraid," the angel said. " God has sent me to tell thee that at last His Son is coming, and that thou art to be His Mother. And thou shalt call His name JESUS."
Mary was filled with joy. She bowed her head, saying: "I belong to God. He can do with me just as He pleases."
And the angel said . . . Mary, thou hast found grace with God, Behold. . . thou shalt bring forth a Son, and thou shalt call His name Jesus. --St. Luke i, 30, 31.
The Angel is Sent
Four thousand years the people prayed, Four thousand years had passed Before they knew the time was near When He would come at last! To Nazareth; where Mary lived. The Angel Gabriel Was sent, as God's own messenger. The happy news to tell.
What the Angel Said
Before Our Queen the angel stood. "Hail, full of grace!" he said, "The Lord is with thee! Blest art thou!" And Mary bowed her head: "I am His handmaid--be it done According to His will!" Thus meekly spoke the Chosen One, Tho' Mother, Virgin still!
The Son of God did not become man immediately after the sin of our first parents, but was PROMISED to them as a Redeemer. Four thousand years passed. All the people who lived on earth during that time, and who loved God, prayed that the Saviour might soon come down from heaven. Those who lived before the Son of God became man could be saved by believing in a Redeemer to come, and by keeping the Commandments.
At last, one great day, the Angel Gabriel was sent to Nazareth, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to tell her that she was to be the Mother of God. This great day is called Annunciation day.
Nazareth was a little town in Galilee, where the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Joseph lived. St. Joseph was a carpenter. He worked at his trade, and our blessed Lady took care of the house. She was very kind to all. But morning, noon, and night she prayed to God, for she loved Him better than any one of us can ever love Him. No one on this earth, except our dear Lord Himself, was ever as good and pure as our blessed Lady. We keep the feast of the Immaculate Conception--a special feast of our dear Lady's--on the eighth of December every year. It is a holy day.
When the Angel Gabriel came into the room where our blessed Lady was kneeling, saying her prayers on that great day, he said to her: "Hail, full of grace! The Lord is with thee! Blessed art thou among women!" Our dear Lady was frightened. "Do not be afraid," the angel said. " God has sent me to tell thee that at last His Son is coming, and that thou art to be His Mother. And thou shalt call His name JESUS."
Mary was filled with joy. She bowed her head, saying: "I belong to God. He can do with me just as He pleases."
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